8 Small Ways To Start Loving Your Body, Even When It's Hard

You may find yourself feeling down or struggling to accept yourself – all because your body does not look right or the way society says it "should" look. If you are struggling with your physical appearance and body image, this is the place for you.

The problem lays not in your, but rather are a larger social dimension. Society perpetuates unrealistic beauty standards through media. It becomes widespread that people rarely feel satisfied with their bodies. We are always thinking we are not healthy even in the simplest of circumstances. Therefore, one should always try and reach an unattainable goal.

a mountain with more mountains in the background

Do you feel as though you need to lose weight to increase your self esteem?

If this is true, know that you are not alone. Self esteems is often defined as confidence we feel towards ourselves. When we feel confidence, we feel like we can do more, say more, and most importantly connect with others more.

If society tells us that physical appearance and thinness is important, then it makes sense we would feel confident if we "accomplish" these things. The thing is society's view on thinness is unrealistic, leaving many folks to have low self esteem.

Does Body Loving feel like Body Positivity or Body Neutrality?

If you feel hesitant to get right to your positive thinking, it's okay. Rethinking the idea of being "neutral about yourself" can feel much more realistic. Think for a second about the person you love the most in the world. Do you like them all the time? Most likely, no. But do you love and respect them, no matter if you are feeling dislike towards them?

Loving your body does not have to be about liking it everyday, all day long. The more we practice neutral thinking, the easier it will become. For those who have difficulty gaining body positivity, body neutrality is surprising liberating.

So How can Learning to Love your Body, Help your Mental Health?

Learning how much you love your body can enhance your wellbeing overall. As a result our body becomes more empowered. Self-love and body esteem are related to our internal feelings. Nobody's body is perfect and every person is unique in shape, size and shape. Accepting our bodies means accepting each other's differences. When we are able to connect with our body, we are more able to connect with others.

Steps to Learning to Love your Body

one step at a time

So now that you understand why you may be struggling with negative body image and low self esteem, we can get into the steps. Here are 8 things that you can do to help increase body acceptance and improve your mental health.

1. The Path to Radical Self Compassion

When a person is struggling to love their bodies, practicing self-compassion can be extremely helpful. If you need help practicing self compassion, think about how you would talk to a friend if they were struggling. Approach your emotions with empathy and support.

2. Make Exercise About Feeling Good verse Physical Appearance

When it comes to exercise, people often think it's fun to get out and move their bodies to the point where it feels good, and it's an enjoyable. It should be used as a way to celebrate and not for punishment until we get the right form. Exercise boosts our body energy and relieves stress. Exercise is an effort to love our bodies and not to change our bodies.

3. Do something that makes your body feel good every day

Make this habit of doing something beneficial for the mind. Maybe this is simply allowing for a moment of relaxation. Perhaps that means wearing the softest socks to wear in your home. This involves training the brain to associate a person's emotions positively. Give your body love and it will become naturally instinctive over the years.

4. Social Media Break

In an age where technology is so ubiquitous, we NEED phone systems. Most people follow celebrities and models on Instagram, but watching these everyday changes their perceptions. If you use social media regularly then it could be helpful to slow it down a bit. It may also help you become more aware when you interact with someone in person.

5. Closet Cleanse

Closet cleaning can improve self care and increase self-esteem in the long run. It will help you remove clothing you don't like anymore or that do not fit. It's helpful to remove clothes that do not represent who you want to project into the world. A wardrobe that fits and feels good will improve confidence and empower you. Having old clothes that no longer fit can feel triggering and hold you back from body acceptance.

6. Follow social media accounts that represent all bodies

Inundate yourself with photos of sexy plus sized women being cheerful and confident in life. Whether you are an African-American or white, increase the number of articles that feature black and brown stories. Give yourself control over the images that come into your mind.

8. Ditch the narrative that looking a certain way will make you happier

What do you hope would happen if you were able to change your body? Most likely it is a way to try to increase your acceptance and respect from others. It can feel like a certain way of living or looking will give us a certain amount of approval. It's a myth that if one looks certain they will be happy.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What does it mean to love your body?

Love your body to me implies respect and appreciation for everything that's been done for you. Loving your body does not always mean you like it, but you respect it no matter what. Loving our bodies means preserving them. Generally, it means observing their needs - nutritional and so much more. Loving your body does not necessarily need to consist of having positive body image all the time.

Why do I struggle to love my body?

You may feel pain in your body, or if your body is faulty for something it is experiencing, you may struggle to love it. Maybe you struggle to love your body because you feel your body does not match your personality. Societies have great pressures on everyone when it comes to appearance. It can be very difficult to ignore those pressure.

What is body dysmorphic disorder (BDD)?

BDD is a mental health disorder where you see your body differently than it presents to others. This leads to distress and mistrust with your body on how you actually appear.

Now What?

If you feel as though you may be struggling with your own body image issues, you may benefit from reaching out to mental health professionals. This could include anything from a registered dietitian to help introduce intuitive eating and increase a positive relationship with food and your body, or a therapist. Body dissatisfaction or body dysmorphic disorder can be extremely difficult obstacles to tackle, leaving your feeling self conscious and can lead you down the path of an eating disorder. If you struggle with negative thoughts around your body, please know that you deserve professional help. At Serendipity Counseling Services, we service folks of all body sizes and shapes. We will help you find acceptance with your body.


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